Automated vs. Personal Service

I find it funny when I call in for service or questions on my cable TV, cell phone or internet and the automated attendant addresses me with “How can I help you today? You can speak to me in full sentences.” As if telling me I am able to articulate my question in full sentences is a proclamation of some amazing service offering. Is this supposed to be a measurably better experience than choosing to press 1, 2, 5 or 7? Here’s my idea. Answer the phone with my first option to speak with a person then roll out the automation after that. Please.

As I see less interaction with humans in the customer service arena (self-checkout with a full basket of groceries, movie tickets from a kiosk, even my McDonalds order can be placed without human interaction), I hold dear the concept of personal service through a deep personal understanding of our clients’ business and I am proud of how we execute this service at EPI.

Our account management staff is trained, mentored and coached in how to gain in-depth knowledge of our clients as individuals and of their business. We learn our contacts’ professional challenges, goals and vision. We learn our client’s business, the market served and forward trends. We brainstorm, analyze, create and execute. Then we measure, evaluate, revamp and renew. We have fun, we celebrate, we take ownership and we learn.

As you make your service choices in life, I propose we all make the personal choice. Interact with the human. Keep the knowledge of how to understand and grow through knowledge of the customer alive out there in the marketplace. Not through surveys or rate this app – rather through first hand real life communication, thought and connection.