Total Cost of Ownership

Our commitment to our partners is continuous discovery of ways to lower your costs while increasing the value of our work together. We call this our Total Cost of Ownership. We will work in 6 categories to find innovative solutions, decrease cost and/or increase efficiency in order to bring true value to our relationship.

Administration. Price. Inventory. Quality. Packaging. Transportation.

EPI's Proven Process

How does EPI bring value to our partners every year? Here's where we start: We offer a no-cost, half-day Discovery Interview

You get a dedicated client services team who consults with you to define direct & indirect program cost baselines across all key program cost drivers.

As a strategic partner, we then deliver a quarterly “3 Great Ideas” presentation for continual TCO improvement & new program value creation.

Time moves forward and our detailed TCO model develops, while the financial impact assessment of selected Great Idea initiatives gets validated in your business.

We then measure and report on impacts in our 2-hour strategic quarterly business review (QBR).

RINSE & REPEAT – This is Continual Improvement!

total cost of ownership - EPI's differentiation

The Best Part!

Our Promise

If our proven TCO process does not generate 5% annual Total Cost of Ownership improvement in your sales force support program in the areas of transportation, inventory, quality, packaging, administrative effort and materials, we will take it out of our price.

Ready to find out more?

Drop us a line today for a free consultation!
Or call us directly 800.562.9733