eCommerce Sellers: Do You Own Your Customer Receiving Experience?
Owning your customer’s experience
Do you own the shipping experience or does Amazon?
It’s not exactly Earth-shattering news. Amazon has been putting ads on its boxes for years. Even back in 2015 people were talking about it. But have you seen it yourself? Have you thought about the fallout for your brand? eCommerce sellers need to consider the experience from the customer side.
Design the best encounter
What do you want your buyers to see?
Sure, eCommerce sellers could try to take advantage of the ads and pay for placement of their own brands.
Or you could own the shipping encounter your buyers have, and build that relationship for your business.
Think about how you fulfill your orders, who you work with and how that all determines the end-user experience.
If you sold accessories for Ford or Dodge, would you want buyers seeing a Chevy ad?
Even if you’re not in the automotive business, do you want your boxes to look like a NASCAR sponsorship or do you want to own your customer experience?
What is your “opening experience?”
The phenomenon of unboxing
You may know this already, but there’s an interesting phenomenon on YouTube. It’s called Unboxing. And it’s simply the unpacking of products, especially high tech consumer products, where the process is captured on video and uploaded to the Internet.
While this may not exactly mean every one of your customers wants to upload a video to YouTube, it certainly brings to light the excitement they feel when receiving what they ordered.
However, when your use Fulfillment By Amazon you’re at their mercy. It’s either a plain box with a generic packing slip (or none) or it could be a box with advertising on it.
What happens when you want to really take the experience to a new level for your business?
That’s where custom kitting and packaging can help you stand out in the crowd.
Finding the right third party fulfillment partner to help you send the best packaging – and even custom kitted products – can turn an average “rip the box open and move on” transaction into a memorable, even shareable experience for your delighted customers.