How VMI Technical Publications Make Assembly Lines More Efficient
Every plant manager and manufacturing executive leader dreams of an efficient assembly line. Efficiency leads to cost savings. Whether we’re talking minutes shaved off a process or seconds, it all adds up.
People look everywhere for inspiration, from looking at other countries to exploring specific styles like Lean Manufacturing.

One solution to adding efficiency (and saving on warehouse cost and space) is VMI for your technical publications. Did you know that outsourcing the printing and bagging of your user manuals, assembly documents, tech sheets and even additional parts could decrease costs while increasing efficiency?
Imagine if your plant didn’t have to house all of the printed material for its assembly? The space savings alone just make a plant manager’s year. Plus, saving on the labor and employee cost of simply kitting manuals and spare parts into a bag could save thousands. That assembly person could move on to more important assembly.
Relying on a vendor to deliver the right amount of projected materials on time, every time takes a leap of faith. An electronic data interchange (EDI) can help make that leap less intimidating. Ensuring your vendor can securely receive real-time data about your projected manufacturing will help keep your operations running efficiently.
Efficient web press printing helps to increase efficiency while bringing costs down. Understanding the logistics of the timing of printing, kitting and shipping is the job of your VMI technical publications vendor.