Should You Host Patient Education Seminars?

They aren’t exactly new. Educational seminars for patients have been around for decades. From weight loss programs to pharmaceutical solutions, bringing educational content directly to patients through their healthcare providers makes sense for many medical companies.
However, many professionals are asking “How exactly do in-person events perform in the current marketplace?”
According to marketing strategist Joe Pulizzi in his book Content, Inc., real life conferences and events hold power even today in the age of online commerce and interaction.
When marketed in a smart and efficient way and executed well, patient education events can still bring awareness to your pharmaceutical offerings or newest medical device.
4 Considerations Before Executing Patient Education Seminars
Before you make a decision on your event marketing plan, here are a few things to consider.
1 What’s the Budget?
Does your business have a budget to support the doctors you’ll partner with?
You’ll want to support the doctor with what you can for the event itself – venue rental, refreshments, give-aways – so the doctor is the host but you’re the support.
In addition to the event, you’re most likely already thinking about the marketing. Signage, print, digital and call center support can all add up. Do you have the means to make this happen for your partners?
2 Can We Enhance the Experience with Multimedia?

We all live online. You’re reading this article on a website, after all. But it seems like the more digital we are, the more impactful real life interactions can be.
The thing is, we all expect a little more than face to face conversations. We still look for extras online.
Can your patient education seminar have extra videos you can offer exclusively to attendees? What about a private Facebook group? Maybe access to a premier website where attendees can ask more questions directly with your sales or service team?
3 Do We Have Doctor Partners?
Reaching doctors and partnering with the right practices becomes more difficult as the marketplace grows and people tune out messaging.
How often do you pick up a phone call where you don’t know the number?
So this question goes to the heart of your marketing and networking: Do you have the connections to pull off a successful event for patients?
If you don’t have a great list yet, or you’re looking to build your current list, think about modern marketing channels like LinkedIn Live Video or podcasts. Read more about podcast interview marketing below.
4 Is the Proposed Product/Service Worth an In-Person Event?
Sometimes what we have to share can be done in a video or longform content. Other times, a tweet or Instagram post is sufficient. The same goes for marketing our services and products – at all levels.
Is the product you’re highlighting going to come across as engaging and interesting in person, or is it more of a video-worthy share?
Understanding your products and knowing when they’re ready “for the stage” versus worthy of another avenue is key. Consider patient education seminars the top tier of your marketing strategy. They cost money and take time. When you have an offering worthy of that level, go for it!
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Question mark photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash
Screens photo by Anthony Garand on Unsplash