Store Profiling – The Database You Need

Store profiling creates a detailed profile of each location in a franchise.

For nationwide retailers and franchises providing each of their locations with the exact marketing materials they need can seem impossible. Large locations may receive less than they require, while small locations may throw away half of the kit. Some companies manage this by categorizing small, medium and large stores. However, it’s a difficult balancing act to provide stores with the materials they need and not create waste.

The ideal solution is to create customized kits for each location based on their needs. I know what you’re thinking – how can you possibly know the needs of each individual location? The answer is store profiling.

A store profiling database maintains a detailed profile of each location. In it, we track everything pertinent to marketing. This includes the number of windows and cash registers, the languages spoken by clientele at each location and more.

As a result of store profiling, marketers are able to create campaigns that have strong impacts in the local market without fear that the efforts will be wasted for a majority.

At EPI Marketing Services, we utilize store profiling as the basis for our RetailEdge solution. Moreover, these databases allow us to provide custom kits to each client location made up of the exact materials they need. The marketing teams design signage, choose store criteria, and set in-market time frames. Our system automates the process of calculating quantity, sourcing materials, as well as establishing production and shipping timelines. In short, RetailEdge simplifies the marketing supply chain so our clients can spend their time focusing on their core business.

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